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Unstyled form control

The FormControlUnstyled is a utility that lets you associate a form input with auxillary components, such as labels, error indicators or helper text.


FormControlUnstyled wraps an input and other components, enabling to reflect the input's state in these other components.

For instance, you may want to show an additional element asking the user to enter a value if the input is empty, or display a warning icon if the entered value is incorrect.

Name *

<FormControlUnstyled defaultValue="" required>
  <Input />
  <HelperText />

The FormControlUnstyled provides a context that can be read by the useFormControl hook.

useFormControl hook

The useFormControl hook can be used to enable integration between custom form inputs and FormControlUnstyled. Additionally, you can read the form control's state and react to its changes in a custom component.

The demo below shows both. CustomInput is a wrapper around a native HTML input that adds FormControlUnstyled integration. ControlStateDisplay reads the state of the form control and displays it as text.

empty | not focused

Note that even though FormControlUnstyled supports both controlled and uncontrolled-style API (i.e. it accepts value and defaultValue props), useFormControl returns only the controlled value. This way, you don't have to implement both in your custom input - FormControlUnstyled does this for you.

useFormControl returns an object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
disabled boolean Represents the value of the FormControlUnstyled's disabled prop.
error boolean Represents the value of the FormControlUnstyled's error prop. Note that it is not calculated automatically (i.e. it's not set when required: true and value: '')
filled boolean Set to true if value is not empty.
focused boolean Set to true if the wrapped input has received focus.
required boolean Represents the value of the FormControlUnstyled's required prop.
value unknown The current value of the form control.

Additionally, the following callbacks are a part of the returned object. They are meant to be used when creating custom inputs.

Name Type Description
onChange React.ChangeEvent => void Value change handler. Should be forwarded to the inner input.
onBlur () => void Focus change handler. Should be forwarded to the inner input.
onFocus () => void Focus change handler. Should be forwarded to the inner input.