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Unstyled input

The Input component provides users with a field to enter and edit text.


  • ✨ Supports start and end adornments
  • 🚀 Can be transformed to <textarea> using the multiline prop
  • ♿️ Adds the appropriate ARIA roles automatically

Basic input

import InputUnstyled from '@mui/base/InputUnstyled';


You can use the startAdornment and endAdornment props to add a prefix, suffix, or an action to an input. Common use cases of adornments include:

  • when an input receives a specific unit of measure (like kilograms or currency)
  • when an icon button toggles hiding/showing a password


The multiline prop transforms the <input> field into a <textarea> element.

<CustomInput aria-label="Demo input" multiline placeholder="Type something..." />

If you want the <textarea> to grow with the content, you can use the TextareaAutosize component. When using TextareaAutoresize, the height of the <textarea> element dynamically matches its content, unless the row prop is set. To set minimum and maximum sizes, add the 'minRowsandmaxRows` props.

<CustomInput aria-label="Demo input" multiline placeholder="Type something..." />

The useInput hook

import { useInput } from '@mui/base/InputUnstyled';

The useInput hook lets you use the functionality of InputUnstyled in other components. It returns props to be placed on a custom input and root elements, along with fields representing the internal state of the input.